Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tak lama lagi matahari terbit dari Barat!!...

Aku baru dapat satu emel yang agak menyeramkan.. (klik gambar sebelah utk besarkan) mengatakan tak berapa lama lagi matahari akan terbit dr arah barat.

Sbb seperti yg tercatat dlm artikel ni.. telah pon berlaku matahari terbit dari arah barat di planet Marikh!! so.. katanya, sket masa lagi fenomena tu akan berlaku di Bumi plak.. korang tau apa akan berlaku kalau matahari terbit dari arah barat kt bumi nie?? haaaa... lu pikir laa sendiri!

Tapi... aku pon tak pasti lagik kesahihan artikel nie, maybe ader org saje nk buat gempak jek kot. Tapi.. betul atau tidak artikel nie, yg pastinya fenomena matahari terbit arah barat tu PASTI akan berlaku, tatau biler jek!

So... anggap ler entri ni sebagai satu peringatan kepada kita umat Islam. Skang ni pon Bumi ni nmpk cam dh tak tentu arah!.. kejab gempa.. kejab ribut... kejab tsunami. Makhluk2 yg dok kt bumi pon satu hal, ader senjata nuklear 2 biji pon "Kuasa Besar" dh sibuk2 nk isytihar perang kt dia.. negara lain yg ada beribu2 bom nuklear, pastu pi musnahkan plak negara lain takde pulak dier kecoh.. elok jek dok ontok2 situ (sbb geng.. tu la pasal) ni sumer tanda2 ler nie!

Pepe pon.. utk menyedapkan ati, aku try le search jawapan bagi artikel ni, ader ler few answer yg aku amik dr Yahoo! Answers. Tapi cam aku cakap awal tadik.. samada betul atau tidak artikel nie, anggap jek mende ni PERINGATAN utk kita, supaya ader semangat lebih sket utk kita tambah amal ibadat, mana le tau kot ader yg terkurang.. yee tak?!

ni ada beberapa jawapan yg aku dpt.. kalu korang nk jawapan lain, carik sendiri aaa! most of the answer menidakkan.. tatau leee, maybe dorang takot kottt.. ahaks!

1. Every morning on Mars, the Sun rises in the East, and every evening, it sinks to the West.
Someone got cunfused with they're information. MARS ITSELF
The retrograde motion is what causes MARS to shift rise and set directions in OUR SKY.

For the Sun in the skies of Mars to rise and set in opposite horizons would mean that Mars suddenly came to a stop and started spinning backwards on it's axis.
Mars could only change its direction of planetary rotation if a planet larger than itself crashed into it with an unimaginable amount of force.
So no, that information is incorrect and Mars still rotates the same way around our sun.

2. You have totally misunderstood what is going on. A planet's "retrograde motion" is the apparent motion an outer planet makes against the stars as viewed from Earth. Earth moves faster than Mars, and so Earth catches up with Mars and then races past, leaving Mars in the dust. We see this as "retrograde motion". It is analagous to a faster car catching up with a slower car and then passing said slower car. While passing, the other car looks as if it is going backwards, but of course it really isn't. This is what the Earth and Mars are doing. The people on Venus see the Earth going retrograde as well, but we certainly aren't going backwards just because we happen to be being passed up by Venus. We only seem to be going backwards when viewed against the stars from Venus. I hope this helps.

This is just "apparent motion". If you were to trace the orbit of Mars and the Earth, the position of Mars *as seen from the Earth* will appear to shift direction from day to day as the Earth overtakes the slower moving planet. Rest assured that ON Mars, the sun still raises to the east. Shifting the direction of the spin of a whole planet would require huge amount of energy, like a planetary collision of something, and nothing like that has happened in this solar system since a Mars sized proto planet slammed into proto-Earth, and some of the debris collected to form the Moon, and the Earth gained its 23 degree tilt. That happened about 4 billion years ago.


1 comment:

  1. Cekodok tag...


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